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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Giving the Gift of Receiving

We are all aware of the Holy-days being a time of giving, (it is of course.) And we know that giving usually makes us feel good and brings us into a higher vibration (and it does.) That’s the easy part, but receiving is something most of us find difficult because we all grew up learning that it is, "Better to give than to receive." But what we don’t understand is that receiving IS giving…in the same way that we receive joy when we give. When you give a gift to someone, what is your hoped for expectation, how do you wish the receiver to respond? With…“Oh, you really shouldn’t have,” and lots of intellectual reasons why you should not have given this gift? Or…“Wow, this is exactly what I have always wanted,” and they glow with that delight and excitement of a child? Right!
So how do we break that ego pattern of unworthiness, and give the gift of joy to our giftor by receiving in joy? The key to receiving in higher consciousness is by practicing receiving and treasuring our own gifts. Now that’s the hard part. One of my favorite quotes is the one Nelson Mandela gave in his inauguration speech, written by Marianne Williamson…
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure within us: It's in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others."
This is so true for me. I relish being in the presence of someone fully owning their gifts, the truth of who they are, and the glory of that. First of all, I feel free of that self-belittling game, which is an assault to my Higher Self, and all the gifts I have been given. I feel that self-belittling is actually a slap in the face of my Creator. Second, they are giving me a model of how to stand in my own truth, and radiate those gifts I have been given. Sort of like the gift that keeps on giving!
~Allow your self to settle in to your body in a quiet sacred space of your design.
~After a few deep breaths, bringing yourself in to this present moment, become aware of your Higher Self. Ask them to come closer where you can physically feel their presence and ask them to show you just one of your gifts…one thing that you have gained Mastery over.
~Be open to whatever you are shown, asking your mind to stand aside for this time being.
~When you are clear what this gift is, hold the vibration of it in and/or around your body. What does this feel like? Spend some time just feeling this.
~Now stand outside of your self as an observer, and notice your gift…What does it look like? Are there colors or sounds associated? Spend some time here really getting a sense of your gift from an outside perspective.
~Now this part may seem confusing, but stay with it and trust that however it works, it is working. Become aware of your self with the gift, and as the observer.
~The next step is to give this gift to your observer-self, and feel what it feels like to be given this gift as well as giving it. You are the giver and the receiver.
This giving and receiving within yourself can be practiced anywhere and as often as you wish. And as you spend time and awareness in this state of giving and receiving, you will realize that you are also the gift.


A Leap of Evolution:

or Staying Sane Between the Dimensions
2012 or not, we are in the peak of an evolutionary leap. We all feel this energy. No one would argue that we are experiencing a quickening, that our thought processes simply don't work like they used to, or that our timing is more critical in everything we do. These are the challenges, but they are also indicative of a very exciting time to be living life on planet Earth. With the magnitude of light that is now available to us, manifesting our every desire, releasing old karmic contracts and becoming visionaries of what was once impossible is not only possible, but readily so. 
It is with great pleasure I inform you that all is well on this planet whether or not you perceive it this way. These “times” are shifting in vast waves of frequencies that are sure to be experienced in ways that may be uncomfortable and at times literally “breath-taking.”  It is during these breath-taking times that I invite you to pause and take a breath! Take it deep and consciously like a drink of well water when dry and thirsty. Imagine this well reaching deep into the heart of Earth where her intentions are pure, clear and energized with Source quality.
As the days unfold according to the Mayan calendar, there will be many shifts, some jolting, confusing, some serenely elevating and enlightening, and everything in-between.  The good news is that you have choices of how to perceive every part of this. The doorways of perception that offer themselves are many, the choice is yours. There is no right or wrong choice, you see. Do not let the notion of choosing “wrong” paralyze you into unconsciousness. Choose the door that feels resonant with your own Soul’s sound, however you discern this. You may choose the door of right action, the door of still-point, resistance or retreat, to name a few. What ever you choose, choose it consciously; taking an awakened step through that doorway. Freezing into a paralyzed state is only victimizing yourself by aligning and tapping into mass consciousness. This will only lead to anxiety, fear, depression, chaos and panic; as these are the components of mass consciousness at this time. What is so difficult for us now is walking and talking between the dimensions of our new Crystalline state of being and mass consciousness.
To help you through this process:
  • Place your awareness in your heart, as this is where spiritual courage is activated and empowered. The root of the word courage comes from the Latin “cor, “meaning heart or core. This is your set-point of joy and well being - it is the set-point of balance.
  • Now imagine the sacred geometric shape of the octahedron (imagine two four-sided pyramids, one upright and one upside down, connected by their bases) around your entire being with the center (where the bases connect) at your heart.  Tom Kenyon refers to this as the Holon of Balance. In Crystalline Consciousness Technique™, this sacred geometric shape facilitates multi-dimensional time; synchronizing all internal and external rhythms, cycles and time elements.
  • Allow this healing chamber to slowly begin to turn clockwise, continuing at a nice slow pace. Feel all of your rhythms come into synchrony…your heart beat, your breath, your brain waves and the undulations of your emotional body. * Spend some time here and sink into the synchrony. And as you do, get a very real sense of this synchrony as symphony. Feel, hear, “know” by whatever sense works for you, your Soul’s song. And as you listen, this song will become innately familiar. 
  • Trust it. 
More than ever before it is imperative that we are in alignment and integrity with our Higher
Self as much as possible as we transition from being carbon based to our Crystalline systems. We are becoming our Higher Self…Isn’t that exciting?!



There is a lot of talk, articles written, workshops given around living life in grace and ease. I myself wrote in this newsletter about the importance of living in Divine Timing. Of course this is what we all desire and the premise of our Spiritual growth. But now I would like to talk about resistance and how it plays out in the drama of our walk on this planet. I think resistance sometimes gets a bad rap.  We all know that to sign up for life as a human involves some suffering. It is commonplace to bump up against something that you perceive as uncomfortable or even painful on a regular basis. Of course, in our minds we understand that somewhere along the way we picked up a wound that still resonates with certain situations. For instance, let’s say as a youngster you were often told that children were to be seen and not heard. Or maybe whenever you had something you thought was important to say, you were shunned, discounted or totally ignored. As an adult you may still feel the pain of that wound whenever there is something important or difficult you need to say. Perhaps you have trouble with boundaries, yours or others’. You may even have difficulty with your own listening skills. As an example, let’s say you have reached “crisis” proportions in a particular relationship, and you need to voice your feelings. Sounds simple, but what’s that churning, burning brick smack in your solar plexus? Why are your jaws so tense they ache? And why do you keep changing the subject in your mind and making excuses to not even be around that person? Resistance of course. And as Eckhart Tolle says, “What you fight strengthens, and what you resist persists”…hence the sense of crisis. Now here’s the fascinating part. Everything is energy; the Universe is energy. And when the frequency of resistance stirs within the Universe, the Universe answers that call as a cry for help. That very resistance activates an alchemical process resulting in the creation of an absolute right and perfect situation for solution and transformation. 
Example: the two of you are out shopping one day in some large department store, and you decide to take the elevator to the top floor. Well don’t you know the elevator jams between floors and the two of you are alone with absolutely no distractions for an hour and a half. An already edgy, leaden you now explodes and within that explosion emerges the gold of truth. It may not be pretty, but it is the beautiful golden nugget of truth nonetheless. You now both have undisturbed time to explore and expose your feelings, culminating in mutual understanding and a deeper level of love and respect between you.  The elevator completes its climb, the door opens to a higher level and you walk into the world newly transformed.
OK, that was a somewhat exaggerated example, but it shows the power of resistance. So what’s wrong with this picture? Nothing really, the Universe gets its way whether you use the alchemy of resistance, or the grace of flow. Both bring about transformation. The difference of course is that in grace, is the absence of pain. Of course most of us prefer being in the flow but for many reasons this sometimes just isn’t doable. And when this is the case I like to know in the deepest sense that I can trust the Divine process. And just knowing that alone, can sometimes bring ease. What I do know is that resistance has its place, and beating myself up for it is counter to that Divine process. Namasté

Activating the Crystalline Body

Get ready for a major blast of light of this summer! You may already be feeling it, and perhaps needing help integrating this new energy. We’ve all heard about the great shift of 2012, the many different interpretations, and I am not going to add another one here. What I do want to address are the difficulties we are all having integrating the new energies flooding the planet at this time. The obvious effect that everyone seems to feel is the acceleration and compression of time. This is something that even science backs up, time is indeed quickening. We feel this physically in our bodies, our central nervous systems are over active from constant states of fight or flight, not to mention shear exhaustion from always being in a hurry. Our emotional bodies seem to be all over the map with wide swings of intense feelings, often times without “reason,” (look at the rise in the use of anti- depressants.) And our mental bodies are experiencing confusion much of the time as we seem to have lost our reference points. Now where was I? Oh yes, the great shift.
What I understand to be true is that time is what is shifting. There are at least 3 great cycles of time coming into sync, and it feels like the peak of this energy is beginning this summer. Imagine linear time not being linear at all but a vast cycle coming into its end, and in doing so begins the dynamic of spiral time, also known as Kairos time. In linear time there never seems to be contentment; always moving to the next thing…achieving, amassing, bettering, climbing, competing, etc…all dealing with duality.
In spiral time, you just are. What are your intentions? Then just be that. You see, this is a very powerful time of intentions…AND commitment. It doesn’t even matter what you commit to but the commitment must be made as a conscious choice of being. Once this is stated to the Universe, you will begin the process of merging with your Light Body, or Crystalline Body. The idea is that we are all beings of free will and choice; but we must make choices or stay stuck in the illusion of linear time, that place of discontent.
So let us choose to be in joy, in love, in light, in passion, in gratitude, in abundance. State what it is that you truly want and who you want to be, especially. It is then that the life force of your being can come forward. This must be stated. And stated from that part of you that is the cooperative you – Soul, Higher Self, AND psyche.
Note: Sometimes just the mere act of making a choice can bring up fear. Fear of responsibility, fear of making the wrong choice, etc. If this happens, just notice and remind yourself that all you have to do is choose what you desire. Think of the greatest possible life you could imagine. Now choose it. Something still bothering you? Eliminate that part of the scene. You may have to filter out every particular until you have a reduction of pure joy. Now that feels nice doesn’t it?
The idea is to find an intention that fits your joy, your passion. Or if these words feel too intense you may choose peace, calm, or contentment. You get the idea. Here is a helpful exercise for you. Create yourself a ceremony, this can be as simple or as grand as you like.
* In meditation, get clear about what it is that brings you joy, and who you are when you are in joy. Feel yourself to be in this state.
* Create an intention to live your life in this state.
* State out loud this intention and make a commitment to your Physical Body. Feel your body receive this commitment.
* State the commitment to your Emotional Body, and feel whatever emotions you have committed to…feel that joy or peace.* State the commitment to your Mental Body. Be sure to let your mind know that it does not need to do anything but accept.
* State the commitment to your Spiritual Body, feeling the connection.
Now make the commitment to your Crystalline Body. You do not need to know what it looks like or how it works. You don’t need to do anything but make the commitment of intention. By merely stating and committing your intentions, you have activated your new Crystalline Body.
The Crystalline Body is now in sync, in balance and calibrated to work perfectly and harmonically with your entire being. Become aware of your Crystalline Body and check in from time to time, just acknowledging it. When you feel the beginning of overwhelm, become aware of your Crystalline Body and immediately you will feel the ease with which it takes on the intensity, especially bringing calm to the central nervous system.
If you have any questions about this or comments I would love to hear them, just email me. I am also available for sessions if you need help to integrate and activate your Crystalline Body. 
I will be writing more about the Crystalline Body in future articles.


"Dis-cord", "Dis-cored", or "Dis-chord"

Needless to say, transformation can be intense at times! Our minds can be out of sync with our hearts, discerning truth seems daunting, and communication is challenging at best! I call this "Dis-cored," "Dis-cord," or "Dis-chord," but it's all the same…being out of alignment with your “Chord of Light.”

What is this Chord of Light?
Imagine the vastness of the Divine. Now imagine this Divine vastness expressing its joy in sound as your Soul was birthed. This sound is your Chord of Light. It can be heard, seen, felt, experienced, or just known. It is YOUR vibrational frequency…YOUR Song.
You have heard this song when you experienced your greatest joy. In the deep silence of peace during meditation you hear this song. When you are centered in your Chord of Light your heart is open and full. You feel connected in the Oneness and see perfection in all that is. Each time you come back into alignment with your song of light, you resonate with all of life.
Here is an exercise for you:

Adjust your energetic volume to a higher frequency. Now turn all the dials off except your own channel. You need only be conscious of this there is nothing to DO, you can ask your Higher Self to this for you.
Now find your center, wherever that is for you in your body. Breath into it, slowly allowing it to expand, feeling its rhythm. Breathe with this rhythm allowing your center to expand more and more until You are the Universe. Sit in the stillness of this expanded state activating all of your senses. Now ask to be given the experience of your Light Chord...being open to any experience of this.
If you wish to take this a step further, enrich the experience by allowing a sound to come forth from your own voice. You may wish to use the vowel sound from your name. Just allow it to flow however it wants to come forth. Practice this often and regularly, and you will feel more and more at home in your Chord of Light.
Whenever I consciously shift back home into my Soul’s Song, I am presented with a gift. Sometimes it is incredible joy or a quiet mind. Sometimes I am gifted a simple solution, or even a turn of events. At this point in my cycle of time, I am enjoying the gift of seeing reality from the perspective of my own Light Chord, and not that of someone else's… experiencing my own truth.  When I express myself from my Chord of Light, I am able to appreciate the song of others’; enabling higher vibrational communication. Discernment is easy…does it resonate with my Chord? Or is it in dis-chord? Living consciously from our Chord of Light we are in harmony...
There is no sweeter song!


Diving Timing

You know those times when a grand idea hits you. It looks grand, sounds grand, everyone around you thinks it’s grand. They even pledge their support. Then nothing happens…it just doesn't click, and you find yourself looking for excuses why you just can’t right now. Or procrastinate until the idea loses its pizzazz.
I can make myself crazy asking, “Why am I dragging my feet? Why can’t I just get off my lazy butt and get moving on this?” I tell myself (or others tell me) I am in that dreaded place of resistance.
So what happens next? Yep, we beat ourselves up. Spinning out on all the whys…”Why am I in resistance, what’s underneath it?” And the hows…”How can I get out of it? How can I break through this block?” Sometimes we can even work ourselves sick over it. How convenient! Now we’re too sick, we can’t do anything.
It has occurred to me that resistance is not necessarily the operative here. I have been considering Divine Timing and how it plays in all this. Have you ever struggled and pushed to get something done and just when you’re ready to quit, everything falls into place? Think of all the times those great ideas come up and they just flow. No muss, no fuss, sweet and simple…orchestrated like a symphony. It’s as if we weren’t the one doing it…Hey, wait a minute! Could it be that a Higher power was in control? That we were in that magical zone of Divine Timing?
When we are in divine timing, all we need to do is basically get out of the way, and allow. How simple! It feels like it has a life of its own; we feel energized and “juicy.” Without divine timing our endeavors require a lot of push energy and it’s exhausting, difficult to feel “up” about it.
The next time you don’t feel like doing something, instead of jumping into the resistance game, go inside and check on what’s really going on. It could indeed be resistance, but I bet 90% of the time, you just aren’t in Divine Timing for that particular thing. That’s when you relax, trust, and know that everything is right on track. Gee, that sounds like good everyday advice!