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Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Dis-cord", "Dis-cored", or "Dis-chord"

Needless to say, transformation can be intense at times! Our minds can be out of sync with our hearts, discerning truth seems daunting, and communication is challenging at best! I call this "Dis-cored," "Dis-cord," or "Dis-chord," but it's all the same…being out of alignment with your “Chord of Light.”

What is this Chord of Light?
Imagine the vastness of the Divine. Now imagine this Divine vastness expressing its joy in sound as your Soul was birthed. This sound is your Chord of Light. It can be heard, seen, felt, experienced, or just known. It is YOUR vibrational frequency…YOUR Song.
You have heard this song when you experienced your greatest joy. In the deep silence of peace during meditation you hear this song. When you are centered in your Chord of Light your heart is open and full. You feel connected in the Oneness and see perfection in all that is. Each time you come back into alignment with your song of light, you resonate with all of life.
Here is an exercise for you:

Adjust your energetic volume to a higher frequency. Now turn all the dials off except your own channel. You need only be conscious of this there is nothing to DO, you can ask your Higher Self to this for you.
Now find your center, wherever that is for you in your body. Breath into it, slowly allowing it to expand, feeling its rhythm. Breathe with this rhythm allowing your center to expand more and more until You are the Universe. Sit in the stillness of this expanded state activating all of your senses. Now ask to be given the experience of your Light Chord...being open to any experience of this.
If you wish to take this a step further, enrich the experience by allowing a sound to come forth from your own voice. You may wish to use the vowel sound from your name. Just allow it to flow however it wants to come forth. Practice this often and regularly, and you will feel more and more at home in your Chord of Light.
Whenever I consciously shift back home into my Soul’s Song, I am presented with a gift. Sometimes it is incredible joy or a quiet mind. Sometimes I am gifted a simple solution, or even a turn of events. At this point in my cycle of time, I am enjoying the gift of seeing reality from the perspective of my own Light Chord, and not that of someone else's… experiencing my own truth.  When I express myself from my Chord of Light, I am able to appreciate the song of others’; enabling higher vibrational communication. Discernment is easy…does it resonate with my Chord? Or is it in dis-chord? Living consciously from our Chord of Light we are in harmony...
There is no sweeter song!


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