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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Giving the Gift of Receiving

We are all aware of the Holy-days being a time of giving, (it is of course.) And we know that giving usually makes us feel good and brings us into a higher vibration (and it does.) That’s the easy part, but receiving is something most of us find difficult because we all grew up learning that it is, "Better to give than to receive." But what we don’t understand is that receiving IS giving…in the same way that we receive joy when we give. When you give a gift to someone, what is your hoped for expectation, how do you wish the receiver to respond? With…“Oh, you really shouldn’t have,” and lots of intellectual reasons why you should not have given this gift? Or…“Wow, this is exactly what I have always wanted,” and they glow with that delight and excitement of a child? Right!
So how do we break that ego pattern of unworthiness, and give the gift of joy to our giftor by receiving in joy? The key to receiving in higher consciousness is by practicing receiving and treasuring our own gifts. Now that’s the hard part. One of my favorite quotes is the one Nelson Mandela gave in his inauguration speech, written by Marianne Williamson…
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure within us: It's in everyone.And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others."
This is so true for me. I relish being in the presence of someone fully owning their gifts, the truth of who they are, and the glory of that. First of all, I feel free of that self-belittling game, which is an assault to my Higher Self, and all the gifts I have been given. I feel that self-belittling is actually a slap in the face of my Creator. Second, they are giving me a model of how to stand in my own truth, and radiate those gifts I have been given. Sort of like the gift that keeps on giving!
~Allow your self to settle in to your body in a quiet sacred space of your design.
~After a few deep breaths, bringing yourself in to this present moment, become aware of your Higher Self. Ask them to come closer where you can physically feel their presence and ask them to show you just one of your gifts…one thing that you have gained Mastery over.
~Be open to whatever you are shown, asking your mind to stand aside for this time being.
~When you are clear what this gift is, hold the vibration of it in and/or around your body. What does this feel like? Spend some time just feeling this.
~Now stand outside of your self as an observer, and notice your gift…What does it look like? Are there colors or sounds associated? Spend some time here really getting a sense of your gift from an outside perspective.
~Now this part may seem confusing, but stay with it and trust that however it works, it is working. Become aware of your self with the gift, and as the observer.
~The next step is to give this gift to your observer-self, and feel what it feels like to be given this gift as well as giving it. You are the giver and the receiver.
This giving and receiving within yourself can be practiced anywhere and as often as you wish. And as you spend time and awareness in this state of giving and receiving, you will realize that you are also the gift.


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